Thursday, October 23, 2014

Oct 18 Yogi Bear's Jellystone RV park, Madison Fl

I'm sure glad not all of our stop overs are as difficult to decide upon as this one was.

A look at their website implied one would need to pay for two night's minimum plus pony up a $15 park fee for the weekend. We ended up with just one night at their regular rate and did not partake in enough of the activities to require the full $15 fee.

We hit the park running as we got there at about 5. 5-6:00 had the girls swimming while the guy set up camp. 6:30- 7:00 was the costume contest. Rosalie was lady bug girl. Cute but did not win the prize.

7:10-7:20 was dinner. 7:30-8:15 was trick or treating in the park. 8:15-8:30 repairing a damaged knee due to being too excited and falling. 8:45-9:00 putting the little one to bed. 9:01 "finally" big persons time.

The first Halloween haul of the season:

The first water slide that Rosalie climbed and rode down all "alone"....

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