Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 17 July 23 - DISASTER STRIKES!

Our first calamity on the road. 

Last night, Rosalie decided she was big enough to brush her teeth by herself, which was, of course, in her own private bathroom in the rig. 

I agreed and congratulated her on her good job of brushing teeth.  What I neglected to do was check that she had turned off the water and unplugged sink.  Much to my dismay, at 7:00 the next morning, I heard Leroy saying *&%*@^!* or something along those lines and knew that something was not right (duh).

The water had not been turned off nor had the sink been unplugged, so it ran for about 10 hours under the trailer, soaking the insulation, probably warping the wood frame and etc, etc.    But Leroy, our champion, rose to the occasion, got underneath the rig, tore out the insulation, ripped apart the “belly of the beast”  and hopefully, saved the day.

Nope no picture of the near sinking. Too busy trying to get it dried out. In the end it was not all that bad, could have been much worse. As we did not get perfectly level the water hit an area about 2 feet wide by 10-15 feet down the side of the trailer. It did take a bit of surgery and will require more.

The flood remediation worker

The lovely assistant

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