Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 25 - April 17 A stop off in Pheonix to tour Frank Lloyd Wrights western studio/school

Today was a "me" (Susan) day!  We headed to Phoenix so that I could go on the tour of Talesin West, which is Frank Lloyd Wright's studio, "snowbird" home and unique training ground for a very select number of young architects (22 this year) working toward a Masters in Architecture.  Because my home was built on a lot of the concepts of Frank Lloyd Wright, I've always had a strong interest in his design techniques and his creative endeavors.  Plus, he was a fascinating character, definitely a flawed and flamboyant man (and not even a nice one at times), but he was unique and broke the staid, conservative architectural trends of the 1800's and until his death in 1957 at the age of 91.

 So, Leroy volunteered to do Rosalie duty while I took the 90 minute tour, took her to a park and even out for ice cream while I got my FLW fix.  And then off to a Mexican restaurant for a margarita and fajitas.....a perfect day!

Link to Talesin website

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