Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 20-23 July 26-29 Still in Cold Spring Mn

We are still in Cold Spring enjoying the family. A few days of camaraderie with the Levins and Johns before quiet descended on TJ's at the Lake. Some play on the beach, swim in the lake, a wedding shower, 

We are trying to get the trailer in for a repair estimate, if only it would quite raining long enough to get it done. Hopefully tomorrow or Thursday. We are hoping to get it sealed up on the 6th, then be able to head out to South Dakota. Does not look like there is any major damage but then again we do not play RV repair folks, at least not yet...

I guess we need to get on with the route planning and notifying folks out there that the crew is headed their way. Leroy is very  bad about that......

Some pictures....
Enjoying the sand
Rose at the Engagement Shower

Forget car racing, how about bulls
Pool party, a really large pool

The RV park


Susan said...

Testing for comments

Carol said...

It's been lots of fun having you stay here with us. Feel free to stay and can the 2 bushels of cucumbers we have to do!