Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 2 - Oct 4 Texarkana to Hazlet Ar

Before starting today's fabulous adventure I do need to give thanks to AT&T. I was sent a notice of a programmers event at the local Plano AT&T Foundry. It was a day of learning about what AT&T has to offer for messaging and speech to text and text to speech for apps running on mobile devices. A very informative day for an out of work programmer.

AT&T has been very good to this boy over the years so many thanks to the developers program at AT&T.

The point of this is that we have been thinking about how we can do a better job of staying connected. We had talked to some good friends who have been using a Verizon air card for wifi access. Low and behold as part of the AT&T training program they gave each participant an......... air card.  An AT&T Unite with 4-5 months of time on it. Could not have come at a better moment for us. Thanks again AT&T developer program..........

So, day two sees us winging it. We find ourselves mid way between Little Rock and Memphis on I 40. Give that a shot some time and see if you can find an RV park. If so, please do let us know.

- A gas station has a place to park with hookups, behind the local truckers parking, When we looked there were 8 or so trucks with another pulling in. I've nothing against truckers, just do not want to be parked next to one running all night.
- 50 miles down the road there are a couple of motels that have RV hook ups. The reviews did not look all that inviting, One was said to be over grown, the other said to have power problems.

So, we have a Travelers Inn at Hazlet Ar, that will let us park in their lot for $5 for the night. Our very first boondock... We have lake front view, one of the better views we have had,  just no hookups.

How long can you last on a battery. Poor child got interrupted half way through her movie..... Laptop battery ran dry.... Oh the shame of it all.  Well, it will reduce our average cost per night something fierce.....

We shall attempt to preserver.....

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